This is exactly what I had thought too — why limit purposive behavior to humans or complex life forms alone. You can even see, in the competitive nature of trees standing amongst eachother, that they too demonstrate purposeful behavior.
One thing that I’m amused by is watching the scientists become as offended as the mystics do. The debate over consciousness has become so tribal and, to think we can conclusively explain it away as synapses or as a consequence of nonlocality is comically assumptive.
There is certainly more than mechanistic mechanisms around us — Paul Dirac’s equation should, alone, satisfy the requirements for those who want conclusivity in the form of mathematics or pure logic.
We can keep zooming in and looking out but whatever we find is still subject to the definitive thralls of subjectivity; at the end of the day, this may prove more valuable than the self-refuting pendulums of objectivity.